Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Its party time

Thursday last week was my youngest child's birthday.  It was so much fun to see the smile on her face when I woke her up.  She is usually a little slow getting out of bed in the morning, but on Thursday she jumped right out of bed as soon as I reminded her it was her birthday.  She had wanted to go to Wingers for her birthday dinner because she got a free kids meal in the mail.  When it was time to go she changed her mind because she wanted to stay home and play with her friends.  She then asked for Top Ramen noodles.  She is a funny kid.

On Friday we had her birthday party for friends.  I usually dread those events because it is similar to herding cats.  Ten to twelve over sugared and hyper little kids running around the house is enough to make the normal person completely nuts.  They swing from the drapes and the light fixtures, they ride the dog (or at least try to), play hurdle the couch, spill all their food and drink on the floor instead of the table, and there is always one child who is bored.  Through experience we have learned that having the part at a venue is so much nicer. 

This year we had her part at a local gym.  Not a muscle bound meat head gym but a gymnastics gym.  It was great the kids can go completely nuts.  They bounced off the wall literally.  There was a big foam pit they could jump into and they couldn't hurt anything in the place.  They got to play as much and as hard as they wanted and destroy the gyms stuff not mine.  Then we herded them into a room for cake ice cream and presents.  So worth the money to rent the gym.

That is all

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