Monday, May 9, 2011

My Kindle

I just recently had a birthday.  I am now the ripe old age of 37.  For my birthday I told my wife that I would really like a Kindle.  I already had the amazon kindle software on my droid x phone and have really enjoyed reading books on my phone.  I weighed all the options out there (ok not really) but I did look at some of the competition.  I went with the kindle due to the price and the features, namely that I just wanted a reader. 
I have been very impressed so far with the kindle.  I have discovered that when I read on my phone it keeps track on my kindle and vice versa.  I love it.  I know the kindle isn't the fanciest option out there but it is great for me.  Plus Amazon gives away many of the classic books such as Sherlock Holmes, Oliver Twist, Moby Dick, Jeckyll and Hyde, etc. 
So for what it is worth I really enjoy my kindle.  Easy to use, convenient size, and just fun to own.
That is all

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