Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scottsdale Arizona

I am flying to Scottsdale Arizona tonight.  I am using Southwest Airlines because they are priced fairly and I don't get charged for luggage.  I know that boarding is kind of like a cattle call, or herding sheep.  But the savings are worth it for me.

I was listening to the news about Arnold Schwarzenegger cheating on his wife.  I started to wonder why people cheat?  Is it the excitement?  Is it because they are tired of being with one person?  Are they being abused?  I am sure there are a myriad of reasons.  I know it really isn't that hard to do, most of us are around members of the opposite sex all the time.  It makes me sad when I hear about people cheating.  I understand that people change but (and perhaps I am naive) I really think if both parties are 100% committed to each other, and do everything they can to help each other out, they wont feel the need to cheat.  I always think of the saying that the grass is greener on the other side.  Sometimes another person may look so appealing to you and seem to be just what your looking for, but at the end of the day they are just another person.  They will have issues and baggage and habits just like everyone else.  I know that nothing is a sure thing but I cant imagine a scenario where I would cheat on my wife.  I hope I am right and I work hard to make sure I am.

The moral of my story, be like Southwest Airlines, and let your spouses baggage fly for free.
That is all

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