Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Insanity work out dvd

 WOW!!!  I just did the first Insanity workout last night.  I knew I would be sore.  But this is ridiculous!!  Shawn T is a mean mean man.  The workouts are EVIL!!!  Needless to say it is a very good workout. 

As I am going through the first workout and I start to notice that almost every person who is there with him in the gym has stopped.  They are all on the floor panting like dogs and they look like they want to die.  This was at least a refreshing change from the other DVDs I have seen where the group with the main trainer looks bored and they aren't even sweating. 

I am not normally into work out DVDs but I have done this one before and I know it is a great workout in a relatively short amount of time.  The other day I saw Captain Ahab in the rear view mirror and he was  sharpening his harpoon while he was looking at me with a maniacal grin on his face.  I thought its time to get back to a fitness routine.  Since spring refuses to come to Idaho this year and nice days have been far and few between I need an inside workout activity.  Plus then I can drop from a heart attack in my house where someone might find me as opposed to in the mountains where I am sure it would take much longer to find me.  I love to mountain bike but my bike has been starting to cower and hide when I come into the garage due to my plentiful girth.

Tonight is round two.  I am soooooo excited.  UGH.  Why is it that gaining weight is relatively simple while losing weight is tough?  I guess its so guys like Shawn T can torture people for money.  Funny thing is that torture used to be something we wanted to avoid and now we pay for it!!  Kind of crazy.
That is all.  (If you I don't post ever again just know I died gasping for breath on my floor)

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