Monday, April 25, 2011

How to get published aka. my new book

I am publishing a children's book.  Actually I hope to make it a series of children's books.  The title of the first book is My Dog the Lawyer.  It is about my dog named Milo and my youngest daughter Hailey.  The history of this book starts a long time ago when My wife and I bought Milo from the pet store.  (My mom says pet stores are evil because they buy their dogs from puppy mills.)  I used to tease my wife that Milo was tired from working all day.  She asked what he does and I would tell her he is a lawyer.
One day as I was reading a mind numbing book to my daughter I thought why couldn't I put a children's book out?  I can certainly come up with a book that is more entertaining than this dribble I am reading.  And thus My Dog the Lawyer was born.  I just heard from my editor last week that the target publish date is the middle of May.  I am really quite excited to get my first book out there for all to read.  I intend to follow this first book with many more.
For my first book I am self publishing.  I chose this route, because I was tired of sending my idea out to agents and publishing companies and getting a NO back in the mail.  It has been an interesting experience so far.  I am very grateful to have my office manager Pam as my editor and guide to publishing.  She is amazing.  I read a book by Don Aslett the cleaning guru, and his favorite way to publish a book is to self publish.  I thought well if he can do it why can't I?  Not to say that Don isn't a very smart guy, (I know him and he is smart) but why not me?  I like to approach life that way.  I figure that if I want to do something I can.  It all depends on how much effort and work I am able and willing to put in.  Life is too short to let people tell you no.

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