Friday, June 3, 2011

Life as a teenager

I am convinced that there is nothing more strange and yet more wonderful in this world than a teenage girl.  The metamorphosis is incredible.  One night you go in and kiss your sweet little innocent girl goodnight, and the next morning you wake up with a moody, irritable, emotional, irrational, stranger who is embarrassed by you.  In what seems to be a single night you go from being their super hero to a world class dork.  It is fun to see them grow and mature and at the same time it brings home the fact that they are growing into a person who wont need you much longer.  I have heard that after about 18 years of age the sweet girl you know and love returns, not as a child but as a strong woman. 

I love my oldest daughter to death.  She is funny and sweet and beautiful and so smart it is a little scary.  She is in that awkward stage of life where she is trying to figure out who she is and trying to navigate the labyrinth of middle school.  I love to tease her it is one of the way I show love (I know maybe I'm the one who is odd) I find it so funny how she can give me a look that would kill a charging rhinoceros instantly, I am very fortunate that she doesn't have lasers that shoot out of her eyes as I would have been fried long ago.  There are times when I want to rip every last stand of hair from my head one by one because I just don't get it, and there are other times where I think it doesn't get any better than this.  Raising girls is not easy but it is so worth it. 

 Like the title of my blog says I am a lone man afloat in a sea of estrogen,  I work with only women all day and go home to only women all night.  I wouldn't change it if I could.
That is all

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