Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First bike ride of the year

The other day I went for my first mountain bike ride of the year.  Now normally for this event I am required by law to contact the paramedics so they can be standing by to save my life, after I have ridden for a block or so.  Once they jump start my heart I am usually good to go for another couple of blocks.  I joke of course, but the first ride of the year for me is usually a hard event which always makes me wonder why on earth am I doing this?  I typically want to die by the time I have reached the top of the hill I live on which is a whopping distance of three blocks.  Yep I am the epitome of health.  As you may know I have been using the Insanity DVD series to get my fat butt in shape.  A couple weeks ago I stopped using the DVDs, but I am here to tell you that although it had been a week and a half since I had done a work out when I hopped on my bike, (which was crying at the thought of my mounting it) I was pleasantly surprised at how good I felt.  I went for my normal ride on a loop called roller coaster, and by the time I had reached the top of the loop I was wanting more in fact the only reason I didn't do a second loop was because of time constraints.  That amazed me a little I have to say.  For those of you who love to mountain bike, happy trails.

That is all

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