Monday, August 22, 2011

Kim Kardashian Marriage

The other day I subjected myself to the worst thing imaginable.  I went to Walmart on Saturday afternoon.  I know I am completely insane aren't I? 

I admit, that Walmart is a far cry from horrible events in life, but of all the life experiences that don't really matter in the big scheme of things, Walmart on a Saturday afternoon is at the top of my list of terrible things.  I am standing in the longest check out line in the world watching old women dig in their purse for the checkbook or for that last coupon, and I cant help but over hear an older woman behind me.  She picks up a magazine with the Kim Kardashian wedding stuff on the front and she says "That silly girl finally got married".  Her husband grunts "Huh"?  The woman replies, "Her she finally got married".  The man mumbles something incoherent.  I am sure he was more concerned with the huge line we were in than the fact that Kim Kardashian got married.

I like to think about the generation gap when a situation like that arises.  I can only imagine what it was like when that elderly couple was young.  I highly doubt that anyone was a celebrity simply because they were alive.  I am positive that when that couple was young they didn't have a show about keeping up with people, who as far as I can tell, are only famous because the oldest daughter was seen out with Paris Hilton, and that she is naturally beautiful.  I am not saying I have anything against any of the Kardashians at all.  I am just merely reflecting on what our current society finds fascinating as opposed to what society found fascinating back 60 years ago.  What would people have thought about Snookie, or any of the other Jersey Shore characters?  No idea but I tend to think they would have found them ridiculous.  Again I am not saying get rid of Jersey Shore, just contemplating why they are famous.

I am happy that Kim got married, I really hope she is happy and that they are both willing to put in the work it takes to make their marriage last.

That is all

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