Monday, July 11, 2011

Weight Loss Pills. Which ones do I use?

First of all let me just start off by saying that I am not an expert in the field of weight loss pills, (if such a thing even exists).  That being said I have tried a few different ones all with similar results. 

Those of you who have read my post entitled the Diet Coke heart ache know that I have issues with too much caffeine.  With out getting into details suffice it to say my heart doesn't like a ton caffeine.  I have been trying to lose weight, but I am kind of lazy when it comes to exercise, mostly due to the fact that I am so tired when I get home I really don't feel like doing it. 

So naturally I have bent to temptation and tried a variety of weight loss pills.  The effects were almost instant.  I started to have a strange sensation in my head that I don't like at all.  I felt like I was almost in a dream state.  My head felt foggy and yet more clear at the same time, (I know how that sounds I am writing it) it was as if I wasn't myself anymore.  My mouth and nose and eyes felt dry.  But worst of all my heart was racing.  I could hear my heart beat in my head, not a pleasant effect.  I don't like the way I feel on those pills at all!!! 

Now the first time it happened I just assumed it must be the type of pill I was taking.  So when the opportunity to take another kind presented itself I took them.  Same result foggy but clear, heart pounding in my ears.  Now this is the point at which most of you probably would just stay clear of all diet pills.  NOT ME, no siree,  I decided to take yet another kind with the same results.  I am sure your thinking he has done taking those things now, wrong,  in a last ditch attempt to lose weight the lazy mans way I tried one more type of pill.  Same result only this time I finally got it through my thick head that diet pills and my body are not a good combination at all.  I would love to say that I was trying all these types of pills for science and or research, but alas it was just sheer stupidity.  If your looking for an example of what not to do with weight loss I am the guy to mimic.  But if you are looking to lose weight the right way I suggest you talk to your physician.  I would use diet pills with caution and keep in mind that there is no such thing as a magic silver bullet to lose weight.  As far as the pills are concerned, my experience says pick the cheap ones and give them a whirl unless your doctor recommends a specific kind.

That is all

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