Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Target Practice

I live on a golf course in Virginia.  The scenery is absolutely stunning.  I look out the windows on the back of my house, and I see a golf course.  Just past the golf course there is a lake.  The lake has no visible houses on the far side.  So I see nothing but trees on the other side of the lake.  It really is beautiful.

When I was younger,  I would go golfing from time to time and I would imagine what it was like living on a golf course.  I imagined having no neighbors in my back yard and enjoying a nice view.  So when I saw this house for rent I jumped at the opportunity.  I never realized it would be hazardous to my health living on a golf course.  Our house gets hit by golf balls almost daily.  The house is stucco on the outside  Because the house gets hit all the time, the back looks like Swiss cheese.  This house is ruined by the constant barrage of golf balls flying into the back yard.

One day I was out mowing the yard, and a golf ball landed about five feet from me.  Another time I was sitting on the back patio with my Father-in-law, and we had two golf balls, within a 20 minute time frame, fly into the patio area and bounce around.  Most of the exterior lights have been damaged in one way or another.  We have had two broken windows. and the frames of the screens over the windows are so bent and dented up that they no longer fit right.

The other major issue I have is golfers wandering around in my back yard looking for their ball.  Some respect our privacy while others act as if they own the property.  Some will hit the ball right out of my yard even though it is out of bounds.  There is one area of sweet revenge so to speak, I have on occasion been able to go out and startle a golfer who was about to hit out of my yard.  It makes me laugh, they know they are not supposed to be hitting out of my yard.  When I startle them, they run off like a little child who has been scolded.  Its very funny to see a grown man scampering off.

Moral of the story?  Think long and hard before you buy a house on a golf course.  Make sure you buy a house right by the tee box, and NEVER I repeat NEVER buy a house in the middle of the fairway.

You have been warned.
That is all

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