Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My new years resolutions

New years resolutions can be a very good thing.  They are like any other goal we may set in life.  The key I think is to write the resolution or goal down, look at it often, and plan a way to achieve the goal.  I am setting a few goals for myself this year. 
The goal I would like to share with you is the goal to become healthier.  Notice I said become healthier and not just to lose weight.  Skinny people aren't always healthy.  As you may know a while ago I was using the work out DVDs called Insanity.  I really liked them but, as is typical for me, I had an obligation that interfered with my routine and it fell by the wayside.  My wife, whom I love more than I can even say, purchased the new Insanity work out DVDs, entitled Asylum for me for Christmas.  I was very excited and a little scared all at the same time.  Yesterday I did the first workout in the series.  It is a test to see how many of each exercise I could do.  I will use this test once a month to track my progress.  I am happy to say that I didn't die.  I think I am going to really like this new DVD series.
In addition to exercise I am trying to eat healthier.  I downloaded an app that tracks calories and exercise.  I like it because it helps me see just how much I am eating.  It is scary how many calories are in most fast food meals.  I suggest you get an app to see how much you are really eating.
Another trick is to keep track of your weight.  Studies show that people who weigh themselves every day tend to be thinner.  So I am breaking out the scale.  It did try to run away screaming when I approached it, but I forced it out from under my bed and hopped on.  Sad is all I have to say. 
Whatever you resolution is for this year I wish you the best, and hope you are very successful!!

That is all

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