Wednesday, November 9, 2011


If you have kids, you will at some point feel like a huge failure.  Whether you kids are unruly, or you do something that hurts their feelings, or maybe you just feel like you not good enough to raise children.  I know that every parent has felt like a failure at some point in time.  The thought occurred to me the other day as I was swimming in feelings of inadequacy as a parent.  I was reflecting on how often I feel like I mess up, and I then thought about God.  He is perfect and he has some children who act and do the most terrible things imaginable.  But he still loves each and every one of us and he is rooting for us to improve and learn and grow.  I know that if we keep our head up and do the best we can, our kids will be ok.  Sure they may end up on the Oprah show talking about us, but they will be alright and as long as we always love them they know they can turn to us.  So that is my goal, despite how I mess up, I want all my kids to know I love them and I am doing my best and that they can always come to me with any problem or decision they may face.

That is all

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