Thursday, September 8, 2011

Heart attack signs and symptoms in women

A very good friend of mine suffered a heart attack just the other day.  She is a young female, and it got me thinking about recent literature I have seen indicating that women can have some very different symptoms from what men typically experience when it comes to a heart attack.  There are many stories out there about how women can suffer a heart attack and get a misdiagnosis.  I looked on WebMD and found a story about a lady from New Jersey who was experiencing "a feeling of indigestion and extreme fatigue. Later, she had nausea, vomiting and fainting."  But she never experienced the typical symptoms of chest pain or pressure.  In fact one study found that nearly half of all women who have a heart attack never experience chest pain.

So I thought I would try to find and list all of the symptoms of a heart attack.  Because according to one study the average heart attack sufferer arrives at the hospital almost five hours after the symptoms start.  Which can significantly increase their chances of dying.  It is extremely important to become familiar with the warning signs of the number one killer of women in the United States.

The average heart attack sufferer gets to the hospital almost five hours after the onset of symptoms. This delay significantly increases their chances of dying. That's why it's so important to know the warning signs of a heart attack and what to do if you experience them. Being educated could save your life.

Common Warning Signs include but are not limited to:

Knowing these common warning signs of a heart attack could help save your life:

-Chest pressure, tightness, and heaviness

-Pain in shoulders, neck, jaw, or arms






-Shortness of breath with or without chest pain

Studies on what doctors call cardiac events in women reveal that many women may experience early signs or symptoms of heart trouble in the days, weeks, or even months leading up to a heart attack. Unfortunately, many of these signs may be dismissed as nothing out of the ordinary, by both women and their doctors. The most common early warning signs include:

Unusual fatigue:  In one study, more than 70% of the women surveyed experienced marked fatigue in the days or weeks prior to their heart attacks.

Sleep disturbances:  A recent study revealed that almost half of the women who had recently suffered a heart attack also experienced sleep disturbances in the days or weeks leading up to their attacks.



Back pain.


Lets face it, all of us experience some these symptoms from time to time, have a bad week and anxiety sets in or fatigue or even indigestion.  So how do you know if the symptoms you are experiencing are serious?  Pay attention to your body.  Note the common aches and pains you have, take notice of things in your life and connect them with any anxiety your feel or sleep loss you experience. Basically just be in tune with your body.  Not f you experience changes in your energy level, comfort, or sleep habits, that are out of the ordinary and make you worry, you should discuss your concerns with your health care provider, especially if you have heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, a smoking habit, or a sedentary lifestyle. 

I also encourage you to search the Internet and learn about the causes and how to prevent heart attacks for yourself and those you love especially women as they experience.

That is all.

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