Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Missing Teeth

So you dentist tells you that one of your teeth can't be saved, it has to be pulled.  What do you do?  Well there are several different options.  But best longest lasting most predictable option is a dental implant.  Dental implants have been studied for many years with some studies lasting for a period of 30 years.  These studies show a 95-98% success rate.  Nothing else in dentistry will last as long and serve you as well as a dental implant.  If your dentist tells you that you need a bridge ask about an implant.  If he says its not possible get a second opinion.  There are very few instances where a dental implant won't work. 
Dental implants can also be used to help keep dentures in a persons mouth.  You may have seen videos of people losing their dentures in very embarrasing situations.  If they as few as two implants those teeth would have stayed put.  I am a huge fan of dental implants.  I would never consider any other option if I were missing teeth.  I would never let my family choose another option.  If your dentist doesnt work with them much perhaps you should seek a new dentist.  They are the latest and greatest in replacing one or more missing teeth.

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