Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here we go again.

Ok, so for those of you who dont know I am a dentist. I have been out of dental school for over six years now. I love being a dentist. As with any job there are many moments that make me want to tear my hair out by the fistful, there are many good times too. I recently opened a new office in my home town. It was a big decision that I didnt take lightly. I am very happy to be on my own now and be at the helm. Today I was contemplating the life as a dentist. I know many people out there think that we charge too much money. I completely agree that dentistry is expensive. The blame isnt entirely with the dentist though. It is insane how much it costs to just open the doors of a dental office. Supplies are outrageous and equipement is astronomically priced. For example, the other day I was looking for a light that would hook to my Loupes(magnification glasses). These lights are basically a flash light on your head. I went to the store and the most expensive flash lights cost maybe $35.00. The average price for one for a dentist that attaches to glasses is $1000.00 or more. FOR A FLASHLIGHT! I just dont get it. I seriously am considering starting a company to make lights and sell them for cheap. I would love to put some pressure on some of the supply companies to make them reduce prices.

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